4 Mistakes Washington Wineries are Making on Social Media

Nick French
3 min readMay 15, 2017

It pains me to see wineries missing opportunities that social media can provide for them. Many wineries understand they need social media, but they have no idea how to use it. What generally happens is an employee is tasked with running social media accounts in addition to performing their primary job. As a result they’re getting less output from the primary job and nothing out of social media, then the business is turned off from social media because “it’s not working.” Check out these 4 mistakes Washington Wineries are making and see how you might be able to improve.

No Social Media

This is the LARGEST mistake you can make in 2017. 2 billion people are currently on Facebook, and 500 million on Instagram and Twitter. Print advertising can no longer compete with social media marketing. Facebook advertising allows you to target exact demographics, locations and more. It’s currently the most undervalued form of advertising in existence. The importance of Instagram in your industry should be evident, but most wineries in Washington don’t seem to get it. Your selling a lifestyle brand. Wineries and vineyards are elegant, and share worthy. Wineries should be showcasing their business to the region and world through social media. Generating original content is is far cheaper than traditional marketing and in 2017 it’s easier than ever.

Lack of Engagement

Those that do have a social media account are largely inactive. They may post once per week, but without strategy their posts fall on deaf ears. When you have a brand on social media you should be engaging with others, reaching out, responding to comments, direct messaging to generate leads etc… Following other businesses in your industry is a powerful tool. Use this as an opportunity to cross promote your business. Find local influential people, wine bloggers and vloggers. Approach them about a free wine tasting in return for talking about your business to their followers.

Lack of Story

You can’t sell a brand online in 2017 without a story. People are numb to most of what they see on social media. Most posts are bland, and or pushing sales all the time. You need to create a story arc for your brand that people can emotionally connect to. This could be a long term story (the history of your wine), or a short term story (some upcoming event), it could be vineyard tips and tricks to growing the perfect grape. People look for humanity on social media and you should be selling your brand. Show your viewers the processes of making wine, tasting wine and growing grapes. Give people the image that your winery is the place to be on a Friday night, or any night!

Lack of Events

When active on social media and you begin to have a fairly regular following consider throwing an event and only advertise on social media with a unique #relatedtoyourbusiness. Invite your followers to come out and celebrate the winery or some cause. You might be surprised how many people are willing to share the event with their social media peers.

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Nick French

Dad, husband, software salesperson, MBA, personal finance writer (firethefamily.com)